Ragi Vithanalu-Finger Millet Seeds – Vintage Farmers

Ragi Vithanalu-Finger Millet Seeds

Mana Velugu - Vintage Farmers

  • Rs. 775.00

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Ragi-Finger Millet Seeds-3Kgs Pack:

Also called as Eleusine Coracana/Ragi/Keppai Seeds. Cereal Millet Seeds.

Transplantation method: Sow seeds in well prepared nursery in month of May-June. About 2 kg seeds are required to give enough seedlings to transplant 1 acre of land. For transplantation purpose use three to four weeks old seedlings. Before pulling the seedling, nursery should be irrigated.

Generally, seeds are dormancy in nature, the Ragi seeds are generally treated and after 30 minutes seeds are taking and kept in shade for 2 hours. Then move to the nursery for treated seeds.

Finger millet grows best in an environment with medium rainfall, an annual temperature range of 11 to 27°C and a soil pH of 5.0 to 8.2 (Duke 1978, 1979). Areas with low precipitation and low relative humidity during seed ripening and maturation are best for regeneration.

What season is finger millet grown?
Season. Finger millet is grown in all the cropping seasons in different parts of the country. More than 90 per cent of the area is under rainfed conditions, grown during Kharif season.

Generally, seed germination percent of 85 & above.

Minimum Order Quantity(MOQ): 1 Kg ( 1000 Grams)

Payment Terms: 

  • Shipping is free from 4 Kgs.
  • The quotation is valid for only 1 week.


+919160446777 @VintageFarmers @ManaVelugu



Other Information:

Manufactured & Marketed by Vintage Farmers under the brand name of "Mana Velugu", Mana Velugu Vintage Farmers, Village Baipalli, Akkupalli Post, Srikakulam District, AP, India - 532219
Best before 6 Months
For Queries/Feedback/Complaints, Contact our Customer Care Executive at Phone: +91 9160446777  | Email: 2019Farmers@gmail.com

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